Our Journal offers you the opportunity to sneak behind the scenes, meet our collaborators, read our musings and reflections, and learn more about how we work.
News & Announcements
Reflections on The Argonauts

Welly O'Brien and Jemima Hoadley reflect on The Argonauts and what could have been.
What is it like to run an inclusive dance company?

Check out Jo Royce's, Executive Director of Candoco Dance Company, interview with Harper's Bazaar discussing how she became part of the company, her role and Candoco's new production with The Royal Opera at Christmas and much more!
Listening: The key to mustering up a performance to be proud of

Nicola De Maine, ex-service woman and performer, writes about the importance of listening to create Muster, a brand new piece of work which was developed in just one week through a collaboration between Cando2, members of the cast of Charlie F and Shakespeare’s Soldiers, and boys from Caldicott School.
“How I shamed the ballet world” – Candoco’s response

Former Artistic Co-Director, Stine Nilsen, responds to Christopher Hope’s article in The Telegraph, ‘How I shamed the ballet world over ‘discriminating’ against disabled ballerinas’ and Fenella Kennedy’s subsequent blog response, ‘This is what a dancer looks like… why not a ballerina?’
Bringing letters to life

Reflections on our Dancing Letters project from participant Ashley Crawford.
Highlights of 2017

Reflections from Candoco's Executive Director, Jo Towler on 2017- December 19th, 2017