As a registered charity we must raise £150,000 a year from individuals, trusts and foundations and corporate support to deliver our wide-range of activity.

Candoco has been expanding perceptions of what dance can be for over thirty years.  As a world-leading company of disabled and non-disabled dancers; we have performed in over 64 countries, worked with renowned choreographers including Arlene Philips and Javier De Frutos, and appeared at the London 2012 Paralympic Games Closing Ceremony and on Strictly Come Dancing.

Our extensive learning programme offers rich and rigorous dance experiences and is enjoyed by hundreds of disabled and non-disabled dancers; from professional dancers seeking to develop their skills and people who just love to dance.

Help us reach our ambitious fundraising target and ensure that Candoco’s work continues to push boundaries, innovate, engage and showcase excellent inclusive dance.

Support us


A gift of any size helps us to reach our fundraising target of £150,000 and means that we can continue to deliver our ambitious programme of performance and learning activity.