Our Journal offers you the opportunity to sneak behind the scenes, meet our collaborators, read our musings and reflections, and learn more about how we work.
News & Announcements
We’ve been sent to our room to think

Kimberley Harvey, Director of Candoco’s Youth Dance Programme and independent disabled artist reflects on the art world during lockdown and how disabled artists voices need to be heard as we emerge from COVID-19
What is it like to run an inclusive dance company?

Check out Jo Royce's, Executive Director of Candoco Dance Company, interview with Harper's Bazaar discussing how she became part of the company, her role and Candoco's new production with The Royal Opera at Christmas and much more!
Work highlights: Face In

Take a look at some of the rehearsal shots, pictures from the performance and trailer for Yasmeen Godder's, Face In.
Work highlights: Set and Reset/ Reset 2016

Take a look at performance shots and trailer from Set and Reset/Reset. Original choreography by Trisha Brown in 1983.
Immersed in the Lagos way

Candoco embarked on an exciting project with British Council Nigeria, aiming to support the development of a new work by a choreographer from Lagos. The inclusive work was performed by local dancers later in the year in Lagos. Company dancers Toke, Mirjam and Tanja and Artistic Co-Director Pedro visited earlier to get things started. Toke shares his reflections….
Winners of the 2019 Achates Philanthropy Prize

We are very proud to have received the Achates Philanthropy Prize Corporate Award 2019 sponsored by BOP Consulting for our partnership with ASOS.